Instant Conversion

Thanks to Personalization

Direct Booking is a Personalization-Based Booking Technology that empowers hoteliers to turn regular hotel stays into personalized guest experiences

Set Up your offers by fixing
limits and condition

Let your guests select their
favorite services

Increase your revenue by delivering hyper-personalized offers

Open up retailing opportunities for a huge range of services and offers will help your hotel generate more revenue while boosting guest satisfaction


This Retailing Technology allows each element to be booked individually and support the sale of all offer types: Room & Services, Room by Hours and Service Only


Provision of à la carte shopping and service selection empowers hotels to meet guests’ needs, while simultaneously monetizing services and amenities that are under-utilized


All players are focused on selling room nights. So it is up to you to make your hotel stand out by delivering Experiences to your guests

Take a look at our Highly customizable retailing solution that will help you redefine your hotel and assist in increasing your revenues and guest satisfaction.

Widget Embedded

Your guests shouldn’t receive a one-size-fits-all online booking experience.
Enticing personalized offers built around the guest favorite services and the property’s unique value proposition are a sure way to convert lookers into bookers, while capturing more direct bookings.

Standalone Version

Direct Booking is the most advanced, universal and efficient of all existing booking system
By facilitating co-creation between hotels and guests this Intelligent Retailing Technology offers an amazing booking experience designed to cater to your guests’ expectations and to grow your direct online revenue

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